

Theatre Stage Design

What goes through irreversible physical process, is bound to leave a visual impact- which is observed to be most dramatic in case of abandoned quarry sites. They impact the natural reserves with degraded large footprints and usually seen as man-made scars on the earth. To create an awareness about such degraded abandoned sites, the studio is positioned to initiate a platform for dialogue through medium of theatre stage design. The theatrical space here, acts as an enlarged space of imagination, temporal in nature, drives the core idea of space-making with light structures - easy to install and remove, which are also essential in sensitive core areas of nature. Using hand-made model making method as system of enquiry into design construction, the studio requires to create a performance space for the early 20th century text by Franz Kafka – Metamorphosis as ‘Quarries of Imagination’. The studio attempts to offer key learnings in how to assign materials and detail out structuring of concepts for temporary construction system while respecting the textual imagination and stage design attributes such as storyboard making, appropriation of spaces, dramatic use of light and materials, audience & back stage space, services and event management.

Student Projects