
Faculty: Saswat Bandyopadhyay | Gargi Mishra

TA: Riya Mallick

City Infrastructure Plan - WASH

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure is crucial for safeguarding the livability of human habitats. As cities grow, the sophistication and capacity of these systems become ever more complex. Climate change and pandemic threats add to the challenges of providing resilient WASH infrastructure. City planning is central to addressing these challenges and ensuring that demand and capacity are kept in balance.

Studio WASH will study theoretical and practical aspects of climate-resilient WASH infrastructure provision, become acquainted with the guiding principles, and study the essential relationships with land use planning of Indian cities. Students will work in teams to investigate WASH sector-specific issues and develop city-wide, integrated WASH infrastructure proposals. Through this process, students will systematically assess, identify, and prioritize quality infrastructure investment proposals for sustainable and resilient WASH infrastructure. The studio will also host a series of lectures and discussions with eminent guest experts and review national and international good practices.

The final studio output will be individual student reports setting out proposals for immediate, mid-term and long-term design strategies for developing climate-resilient WASH infrastructure for an Indian city. At the conclusion of the studio, students will present their final recommendations to the city leaders and administrators.

Studio Unit

Need for integrated City Infrastructure Plans (WASH) in Indian cities

CIP (WASH) Studio Introduction

AMC Budget Analysis

Sectoral City Infrastructure Plans (WASH) and Pilot Projects

Comprehensive City Infrastructure Investment Plan (CIIP) for Ahmedabad, considering different time horizons (2024-30, 2031-35 & 2036-41). Phasing of projects.