
Faculty: Ganesh Ahire

TA: Monica Tewari

Urban Transformation Studio Unit 3

The Urban Transformation Studio focused on developing design interventions within the framework of existing Indian cities to cater to the increasing urban population’s demand for more built floor space and infrastructure. The two potential sites identified for this are the proposed district centers sites at Pune and Ahmedabad. The studio examined possibilities to develop frameworks that stitch together the sites with the context. The students identified the factors behind the limited success of both the district centers and presented a proposal for the regeneration of the LAP areas. The students explored the methods of integration of physical design with the regulatory frameworks (TPS, LAP) in creating liveable, functional, memorable, safe and sustainable urban areas. The urban design projects emerging from the larger identified framework addressed the issues of private ownership and social equity, land economics, planning models, project finance, and implementation strategies in the individual sites.

View Additional Work

Studio Unit

Spatial Urban Transformation and Guidelines

Urban Transformation Plan Design and Development

Vision and Objectives

Studio Structure

Studio Brief