
Faculty: Rajan Rawal | Minu Agarwal

Lighting and Integrated Design Lab (IDL) and Whole Building Design (WBD)

The Lighting and Integrated Design Lab (IDL) and Whole Bldg. Design (WBD) studio is offered in the 3rd semester of the MBEP program. It is offered in two modules of 8 weeks each. The first module prepares the students for evaluating electric lighting and daylighting solutions for building energy efficiency; and the second module allows for integration of prior learnings in the BEP program namely Passive Comfort, HVAC, Lighting, Daylighting and Communications. This course introduces the students to fundamental properties of light and concepts required for lighting design and daylighting. Through hands-on experimentation and design problems, students are encouraged to not just understand existing daylight standards, but also develop a critical viewpoint on them. In the second half of the semester, the students work on an individual whole building design exercise where the final deliverable is an energy code compliant building having regards to cost and economics.

Studio Unit

How do building materials, surface finishes contribute to daylight distribution in buildings?

First forays into whole building scale thermal simulation. Students wrestled with geometry translation and thermal zoning.

Each building transforms the outdoor thermal condition to create a unique thermal environment indoors. Students tried to find ways to create comfortable indoor thermal environments through passive building design features

Each building transforms the outdoor thermal condition to create a unique thermal environment indoors. Students tried to find ways to create comfortable indoor thermal environments through passive building design features.

Final step, preparing and proposing cost effective design packages to meet the energy code