
Faculty: Radhika Amin | Manan Singal

TA: Muskan Chopra | Abhishek Sathe

Generative Techniques for Urban Place Making

Cities are complex systems made up of multiple inter-related layers and the process of urban design demands an attitude to developing sensible and sensitive design solutions. We will analyze an urban patch within Ahmedabad old city, to extract rules and design parameters and operate on the same based on desired design ambitions. The students deal with the multiple layers of building-use, open-space, built-density and morphology in a bottom-up approach and produce design iterations using the concept of Genetic Algorithm. In various studio milestones, students are introduced to the complexity of urban context, decoding the complexity through various analytical computational tools, relating the studies to various urban theories / approaches, creating an algorithm to derive the most suitable approach and implementing the design within the given context.

The expectations of this studio are a reflection of a logic based and analytical mind-set along with sensitivity to the cultural behavior of people of the place and its climatic demands. Various analogue and digital tools like physical models, Rhinoceros + Grasshopper will be used for analyzing environmental and spatial data and creating multi-objective iterations. Each student develops a unique project, and certain academic freedom is assumed for site selection and design development.

Studio Unit

Course methodology

Mapping and decoding layers of the site

Problem analysis and background studies

Design ambition and design strategies

Design iterations and evaluation